Friday, August 28, 2009

Why are we ok and others not?

God put all of us here on earth for a reason. Since He is all good and loving, I would expect Him to want us to care for others as we would like others to care for us. I am very bothered by the unequal balance of goods in this world. There really is enough to go around. Self-centeredness needs to be put aside. I have become to realize this after downsizing myself after a divorce and more recently, downsizing my parents after my father was diagnosed with Alzheimers. Here in the US, there is so much accumulated in our households that we go a year or MORE and never touch the things. How wasteful is that! Even in our poorest neighborhoods alot of people work things out to at lead have TVs (more on that at a later date!). There are people in the world who do not even have a bldg. with 4 walls to keep out the elements!
What is wrong with us as a society - not just here, but throughout the world.
We all need to recognize the example Jesus set for us in caring for EVERYONE. There is a book by Ellen G White entitled Desire of Ages everyone should read at least once, explaining how one man sacrificed everything in order for us to be free to service/take care of others and be with him into eternity.